Minor girl raped

 - Sakshi Post
Aug 08, 2023
 Pilibhit, Aug 8 (IANS) In a shocking incident, three minor girls and a boy have been booked on the charges of "rape" by police following a sexual assault complaint filed by the father of a 15-year-...
 - Sakshi Post
Mar 06, 2021
Hyderabad: A 16-year-old girl, who went missing from her aunt’s house in Old Bowenpally on March 2, was traced by the Bowenpally police the next day and found to be allegedly raped by her neighbor.
Muzaffarpur Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Harpreet Kaur said a special police team has been constituted to search half-a-dozen missing girls of the girls’ home - Sakshi Post
Jul 25, 2018
Over 40 minor girls allegedly were raped in a shelter home in Muzaffarpur of Bihar
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Jun 29, 2018
A 52-year-old man to 10 years rigorous imprisonment for raping a minor girl two years ago
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Jun 23, 2018
The incident occurred in April when the 15-year-old girl was alone at home with members of her family going out for a wedding
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Jun 16, 2018
A 10-year-old girl was allegedly raped and killed by a youth of her village in Odisha’s Mayurbhanj district
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May 24, 2018
A sordid tale of minors raping a minor girl came to light on Wednesday at Bhagatsingh Nagar in Punganur near Chittoor
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May 03, 2018
The incident was reported around 2 pm yesterday when the accused Subbaiah, a rickshaw puller lured the girl with chocolates when she was playing outside her home
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May 02, 2018
A minor girl was allegedly raped by a cinema theatre worker here on Tuesday
The village panchyat told the rape victim to wait till she is 18, as the accused has confessed to his crime and will marry her. - Sakshi Post
Jun 09, 2017
The panchayat took a decision that the rape victim would not lodge a complaint in the local police station.
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Apr 21, 2017
ACP Somnath said that they are trying to go through government orders about the standard operating procedures to be followed at the MLA hostel
The gangrape victim’s family threatens to commit suicide if the accused are not punished in three months. - Sakshi Post
Aug 02, 2016
Will commit suicide, if don’t get justice in 3 mths: gangrape victims family
Police arrested the culprit and started manhunt to find out the missing girl. - Sakshi Post
Jul 22, 2016
Man Sexually Assaults Brother’s Minor Daughter; Girl Goes Missing
Minor girl raped in Karimnagar - Sakshi Post
Apr 20, 2014
Minor girl raped in Karimnagar
Headmaster molests class 10 student in Bapatla - Sakshi Post
Apr 01, 2014
Headmaster molests class 10 student in Bapatla
60-year-old man sexually exploits minor girl for  three months - Sakshi Post
Jan 12, 2013
60-year-old man sexually exploits minor girl for three months
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