Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission: List of OTC Medicines With Side Effects

The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission released a list of generic over the counter medicines with side effects
We are all doctors in our own right. From experience, we have a tendency to pop pills whenever there is a slight deviation in our health.
The moment we feel buy body temperature is hot, we reach out for a paracetamol, which are usually lying in the first-aid box at home. Should we have a sore throat, we straight away ask the pharma guy to give us an azithromycin. For body pain, we immediately resort to ibuprofen. So, it's common for people to take their trusted pills (which worked for them) for common ailments, without even visiting a doctor.
But the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, an autonomous body of the Ministry of health and family welfare, has termed this practice dangerous and advised against this. It has also suggested that no medicine be taken without the prescription of a certified medical practitioner. Taking medicines without consulting a doc may result in side effects, which could affect different organs of your body. Remember that what worked for somebody may not work for you irrespective of the fact that you have the same symptoms.
Sometimes it could also be fatal. A of 213 medicines that may harm or lead to side effects has been released by the institution.
Some patients have reported side effects after using drugs manufactured and sold by companies after obtaining approvals for their research. Based on the complaints received, the medical colleges and hospitals have escalated this this matter to the pharmacology department. The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission has done a research on those side effects.
It recommended that the central drug regulator circulate information on these additional side effects to the general public and doctors. it also stated that the companies be notified. The central drug regulator also sought measures to prevent side effects. The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission has released a list of 213 types of drugs with side effects.
Here's a look at the list of over the counter drugs and their side effects
► Piperacillin Cazobactim Injection: This is an antibiotic, used for serious infections. This may cause side effects like breathing problem, bone weakness and potassium deficiency in some people.
►Mannitol injection: It is used in case of head injury, infection and water in the brain. This can cause side effects like potassium deficiency.
► Rabies vaccine: This could cause reactions throughout the body.
►Rantidine: Commonly used for acidity. This can cause sudden cardiac arrest in some people. As an alternative to this, any other medicine should be used as per the doctor's advice.
►Ceftrazome: It is used for conditions like common cold, diarrhea and minor health issues. This may cause a reaction in the whole body and can sometimes be fatal. A few may even note skin breakouts.
►Azithromycin: Antibiotic. It is mostly used for cold. This causes small pustules all over the body in some people.
► Brufen: It is used to relieve moderate pain. This can cause a reaction in the whole body in some people. The skin also gets swollen.
►Amoxicillin clavulanic acid tablet: This is an antibiotic used for colds. In some, the whole body may have a reaction.
►Ciprofloxacin: It is used for mild skin infections and acne breakouts. In some, there is a possibility of a reaction in the whole body.
Amlodefin: It is a BP lowering drug. Using it can cause hair loss in some people. Your gums could also get affected
►Cefixime: Antibiotic. It is used for mild throat, respiratory problems and stomach infections. Some develop mouth ulcers.
►Oflaxine: Used to reduce diarrhoea. Some have side effects all over the body. Some may have fatal reactions.
►Tremadol: Pain reliever. This will make some people laugh. Urine may stop at times.
►Glibenclamide: Used to reduce sugar. This causes heart palpitations in some people.
►Pantoprazole: It is used for acidity. Its use can cause kidney related problems in some people.
►Zinc: This strength tablet can cause diarrhea in some people.
►Paracetamol: Used for fever. This causes small blisters on the skin in some people.
► Losartan: This BP-lowering drug can cause muscle cramps in some people. This is similar to how overuse causes pain.
► Remdesivir: Used to treat Corona and Ebola virus. This causes the heart rate to decrease in some people.
►Etinelol: BP lowering drug. Using it can cause skin infection in some people.
►Ambraxol: Used to relieve cough. This brings tears to some eyes.
► Decadron: Used in asthma, infections. This will make some people laugh.
►Amoxicillin: It is a mild antibiotic. This causes burning of the eyes in some people.
►Emitripline: Used for severe anxiety, stress, depression. Used for chronic pain. This causes discoloration of the gums in some people.
►Ceftrazome: Preoperative antibiotic for hospitalized patients. This causes heart palpitations in some people.
►Telmasartan: Used for BP. This causes skin reactions in some people. In some, the face darkens.
►Atorvastatin: It is used to reduce bad fat. This causes vitamin D deficiency in some people.