
GeneralMedicinesSideEffects - Sakshi Post

The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission released a list of generic over the counter medicines with side effects

Feb 28, 2023
We are all doctors in our own right. From experience, we have a tendency to pop pills whenever there is a slight deviation in our health. 
Antibiotic Resistance Kills 50K Kids In India Every Year - Sakshi Post

Antibiotic Resistance Kills 50K Kids In India Every Year

Nov 19, 2018
Antibiotic-resistant infections are spreading wings in India, killing over 58,000 children every year, while uncontrolled dumping of untreated urban waste into water bodies is affecting aquatic life...
Garlic may prove as an effective drug when used with antibiotics - Sakshi Post

Garlic may prove as an effective drug when used with antibiotics

Nov 28, 2017
The garlic compound is able to destroy important components in the bacteria’s communication systems, which involve regulatory RNA molecules
Antibiotics to treat various infections during early pregnancy may be at two-fold risk of suffering a miscarriage - Sakshi Post

Antibiotics to treat various infections during early pregnancy may be at two-fold risk of suffering a miscarriage

May 01, 2017
These findings may be useful for policy-makers to update guidelines for the treatment of infections during pregnancy, the researchers noted
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