Everything ready for Eamcet!!

Everything ready for Eamcet!!
- *1,13,700 students appearing from greater Hyderabad
- *67,686 in Engineering; 45,100 in Medical
- *189 exam centres
- *1357 Private and RTC buses in all routes
- *RTC helpline numbers: 9959226160, 9959226154
TRS government made necessary arrangements to conduct EAMCET in the state. Authorities have divided city into 8 zones to have ease in conducting exam peacefully. Students of twin cities will take EAMCET on Thursday, May 14. As many as 1,13,700 students have applied including 67,686 in Engineering stream and 45,100 in Medical stream. 457 students have applied for both streams.
A total of 189 centres are prepared to conduct the exam in which 111 have been assigned to Engineering stream and 78 to Medical.
Engineering aspirants will take the entrance test from 10 AM to 1:00 PM, whereas Medical aspirants from 2:30 to 5:30. Students are advised to reach their respective centres half an hour before the exam time. Authorities confirmed that even 1 minute delay is not accepted. In the view of RTC strike, they requested parents and students to make necessary arrangements to reach the venue. To make it easy for students, 1357 private and RTC buses in all routes are assigned. Students facing problems with transportation can call to RTC helplines numbers: 9959226160, 9959226154