Coastal Andhra To Get More Rain

Representational Image - Sakshi Post

Visakhapatnam: North Andhra coastal areas and twin districts of Godavari are in for a fresh spell of rain according to officials of the Indian Metereological Department (IMD). The authorities belonging to IMD attributed the rain likely to come AP's way, to depression in the Bay of Bengal. This will therefore result in heavy rains from Friday to Monday in the region. IMD officials also predicted that the area would be affected by wind and gales at the speed of 50-70 km per hour. Moreover, waves in the sea along the coastline, would rise as high as four metres, according to the authorities.

Meanwhile, fishermen have been cautioned against venturing into the sea and local residents have also been warned against going near the coast. People living in low-lying areas close to the sea, have been advised to move to safe places. The IMD authorities predict particularly heavy rain for East Godavari and Visakhapatnam districts

Also Read: Heavy Rain Likely For Hyderabad

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