Why is the APNGOs calling for a meet on Samaikyandhra now?

Why is the APNGOs calling for a meet on Samaikyandhra now?

The Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers' (APNGOs) had a meeting with several political parties to discuss their strategy for the 'Samaikyandhra' movement on Saturday. Did the impending elections play a role in prompting the body to meet and discuss 'Samaikyandhra', so late?
When APNGO's Prakasham district president Bhaseer was asked this question, he said that he was opposing this meet. He opined that this meet should have been called when the Samaikyandhra movement began.
He added that now the time has come for public to know who is behind dampening the APNGPOs' 'Samaikyandhra' support.