Who Is Anshul Saxena? All You Want To Know About Him

Anshul Saxena - Sakshi Post

If you’re an active social media user, you would have come across the outpouring of love and support towards the victims and the families of the Pulwama attack. Along with it the attack got its fair share of hate messages as well, most of it directed towards the country Pakistan, and some with the Pakistanis, either praising the ones who executed the attack, and some just in praise of Pakistan.

Anshul Saxena, who now being called a cyber warrior, tried to tackle that kind of hate by directing most of them either to the police or to the concerned authorities. Anshul is an ethical hacker. However, his twitter handle says that he is a news junkie who is interested in politics, foreign affairs, and national security. In conversation with a Youtube Channel once, Anshul said that he is very much interested in giving out the right information with facts to the audience. He has been active on Twitter and Facebook. The attacks that happened on February 14 led this lad to take a completely different take on being of help to the nation in time of need.

He had noticed many people laughing at the martyred Jawans, while giving out derogatory statements putting down the victims praising the act of terror. He started tracking down theseindividuals and marking their profiles. He then approached the Cyber Police, and slowly began to attack these anti-nationals. Many people have lost their jobs and are in a pathetic condition now after being reported by him. Also, Indian hackers have hacked Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website and removed Imran Khan’s profile from it.

Anshul’s efforts are being applauded by many, and his acts have proven how much a common man is capable of doing when the nation is in need. His acts have earned him over 2 lakh followers over the course of his work. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi started to follow him on Twitter after hearing of his cyber heroics.

Take a read at his views on why he started it all:

Here are a few people he help nab:

Also Read: Chandrababu In Trouble For Irresponsible Remarks On Pulwama

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