In a remarkable display of coordination and efficiency, the Hyderabad Metro Rail successfully facilitated the rapid transportation of a donor's heart across the city, saving precious time in a life-...
A 16-year-old girl proved again that one could save lives even after death. Deepika, a 16-year-old from Medchal, became unconscious because of fits on July 22.
GUNTUR: M Koteswara Rao (27), a Ward Volunteer working at Machilipatnam in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh, who was declared brain dead after a road accident, has given new lease of life to eight...
DELHI: Understanding the plight of critically ill patients in need of organs, a couple from Delhi voluntarily decided to donate their 20-month old baby's organs, who was declared brain dead after an...
SYDNEY/HYDERABAD: In a tragic incident on New Year's Eve, Rakshita Mallepally (20), a student from Telangana studying in Sydney Australia was declared brain dead after a fatal road accident.
Two-and-a-half-year-old Jash Sanjeev Oza | Image Source: Donate Life Facebook
UK-based transplant surgeon, (Dr.) Majid Mukadam campaigns for organ donations in temples, mosques, churches and gurudwaras in that country, which can help save precious human lives.
An Asli HERO is an acronym for someone who Helps Everyone Recycle Organs. The use of the world ‘Help’ in the acronym ‘HERO’ recognises that there is an entire ecosystem that holistically makes organ...