In a very tragic incident, two farmers died in a road accident. The incident took place in Godavarkhani town on Wednesday evening. The deceased were identified as Neelam Sadaiah and Pudari Sammaiah.
A man was brutally murdered, his head chopped off and his two hands were found at different places. The incident took place in Malyalapalli village present on the outskirts of Godavarikhani.
A person was brutally murder by his ex-employee in an ATM booth in Peddapalli district
Recently Srikanth had visited home and spent time with family for a few days before leaving for Kashmir. He also spoke with his father Rajaiah on phone on the Dasara day about ritual that he owed to perform.
Recently Srikanth had visited home and spent time with family for a few days before leaving for Kashmir. He also spoke with his father Rajaiah on phone on the Dasara day about ritual that he owed to...