Sanghinagar SBI ATM left unlocked after loading cash

Sanghinagar SBI ATM left unlocked after loading cash - Sakshi Post

Remember the recent murder where a Tata Consultancy personnel, responsible for money loading operations in ATMs was murdered and looted of Rs 7.5 crore?

Generally, we have heard of ATMs being looted after killing the security guard. However, here is a different story where nobody attempted to steal the money even after a ATM machine was left open with easy access to cash.

In a shocking incident in Ranga Reddy district, the keys to ATM locker was left behind after money was loaded on to the machine.

When a few residents saw that the machine was unlocked, they brought it to the notice of the police. This happened at an ATM in Sanghinagar on Saturday night.

Today being a Sunday, bank officials failed to respond to the report. Neither did they bother to check if the cash was intact. Strangely, Security guard too was not present.

An eyewitness said that it appears as if those who loaded the cash were in a hurry to leave and thus left the machine unlocked. Hayatnagar SI Srinivasa Kumar said that they will register a case only if any eyewitness lodges a complaint.

- Siva@sakshipost

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