3 New Moon Yoga & Meditation Practices

MoonSalutation - Sakshi Post

In astrology, the Moon comes in second place to the Sun in terms of its direct influence on human life. Since the Moon is the planet that is closest to Earth, its effects—both good and bad—are immediately felt by people. There are two perspectives on the Moon's function in astrology. One is the Moon's overall function in astrology.

The Full Moon Has a Spiritual Meaning

The opportunity to experience the richness of your existence is presented by the full moon. It's a good moment to be sincerely grateful for all the blessings you've received. Reaffirming your commitment to the endeavours and connections that are most important to you at this moment can be very effective. By being deliberate about how you will go forward in your life, you may use the light of the full moon to highlight the things that are already working for you. The simple yet deep act of practising thankfulness can be intensified by the energy of a full moon as you take in all the goodness in your environment.

Special Moon Events in 2023

·Micro Full Moon: 7 Jan

·Super New Moon: 22 Jan

·Micro Full Moon: 5 Feb

·Super New Moon: 20 Feb

·Penumbral Lunar Eclipse visible in Bengaluru on 5 May – 6 May

·Black Moon: 19 May (third New Moon in a season with four New Moons)

·Super Full Moon: 2 Aug

·Micro New Moon: 16 Aug

·Blue Moon: 31 Aug (second Full Moon in single calendar month)

·Super Full Moon: 31 Aug

Yoga and Meditation Practices

Opening Prayer – Mantra Chanting

·Sit in any comfortable pose (such as Sukhasan, Ardhapadmasan or Padmasana)

·Straighten your back and close your eyes

·Inhale and exhale normally

·Join your palms in front of your chest

·Recite this prayer, or mantra 1,08,000 times

o   Om Som Somaiah Namaha

·Release your palms onto your knees

·Gently lower your head down resting chin on your chest

·Slowly open your eyes and look ahead

·Sit and Inhale and exhale normally

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1

Begin with your feet together, back straight and chin slightly lifted up. Balance your energies by finding your center. Keep your arms firmly by the sides of your body. Inhale and exhale gently to feel the weight of your body equally distributed between both your feet. Find steadiness, and grounding in Tadasana, or Samasthithi.

Step 2

Step back with your right foot all the way to the end of your mat so you're forming a low lunge with your left leg. Bring your palms down beside your left foot.

Step 3

Activate your core to lift up your right foot straightening it out behind you. Bring your right hand to your right hip, and find your balance on the left leg. You can place your left hand on the floor. Turn and look at the left hand.

Step 4

Now, rotate your right hip turning your foot to point your toes to the right side instead of the ceiling. Your right leg should be parallel to the floor and aligned to your left hip.

Step 5

Extend your right hand up with the palm facing the right side of the room. Stay with it for 5 slow, deep breaths.

Step 6

 Ease out of the posture in the same way and repeat the steps for the other side.

Chandra Namaskar- Moon Salutation

The Chandra Namaskar contains a total number of 9 asanas woven into a sequence of 14 steps for each side, Right and Left. The Left side is the moon energy and is represented symbolically through this flow, while the Sun is represented by the Right. One complete cycle is done when you cover both the sides, and this is made of 28 counts.

Chandra Namaskar - 14 steps make half the cycle

1.     Pranam asana (The Prayer pose)

2.     Hastha Utanasana (Raised arm pose)

3.     Padahastasana (Standing forward bend)

4.     Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

5.     Inhale and bend back (Ardha Chandra asana)

6.     Santholanasana (Plank Pose)

7.     Ashtanga Namaskar Asana (Eight limbed salutation)

8.     Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

9.     Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward dog pose)

10.  Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

11.  Inhale and bend back (Ardha Chandra asana)

12.  Padahastasana (Standing forward bend)

13.  Hastha Utanasana

14.  Pranam asana

Repeat the 14 steps with the Right leg to make it 1 complete cycle with a total of 28 counts

By Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

The author is founder, Akshar Yoga Institutions, Himalaya Yoga Ashrama, World Yoga Organisation

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