Maoist Madhavi Hademe Alias Savitri Surrenders in Telangana

 - Sakshi Post

A senior Maoist leader Madavi Hademe Savitri, who is currently working as Divisional Committee Member (DVCM) of South Bastar Division of Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee of CPI (Maoist) surrendered before the Telangana police here on Wednesday.

Her son Ravula Srikanth alias Ranjith surrendered in July last year.

Savitri is the wife of Ravula Srinivas alias Ramanna, who was a Central Committee (CC) member and secretary of Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee of CPI (Maoist). He died due to cardiac arrest on December 7, 2019.

Speaking to media persons Director-General of Police M Mahendar Reddy said Savitri’s husband Ramanna was a first-generation Maoist leader and strong believer of revolutionary ideology.

Savitri got attracted to revolutionary ideology due to socio and economic conditions prevailing then in the society. As a minor girl at the age of 13, she worked in Bal Sanghatan, which is also called as Adivasi Balak Sangh, a front organization of Maoist party, for three years .

Ramanna, who was then the commander of Konta dalam, frequently used to visit her village and organize meetings with villagers on the issues like podu lands, bonded labour and child marriages. After observing the activities of Konta dalam and their fight against forest and revenue officials on behalf of tribals, the Maoist leadership joined Savitri in Konta dalam in 1992 and was elevated as DVCM of South Bastar Divisional Committee.

She spent almost 30 years in the outlawed CPI (Maoist). In 1998, she was sent to Kistaram Area Committee and later on promoted as Area Committee Secretary in the year 2006. In 2008, she was elevated as Divisional Committee (DVC) member of South Bastar and in-charge of Kistaram Area Committee and spent more than 14 years in the same committee. Presently she is in charge of the Konta Area Committee (KAC).

Apart from heading the KAC responsibilities, she is also looking after the Jan Sangatans – Kranthikari Adivasi Mahila Sanghatan (KAMS), Dhandakaranya Adivasi Kisan Mazdoor Sangh (DAKMS) and Chaitanya Natya Manch (CNM).

Mahendar Reddy appealed to the Maoist cadres to shed violent struggle and join the mainstream to take part in the advancement of the nation through constructive participation and benefit from the comprehensive rehabilitation process of the State.

Savitri does not carry any reward in Telangana as she is a native of Chhattisgarh but eligible relief will be provided on par with the cadres of Telangana who surrendered in the past. 

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