Karimnagar Sarpanch Promises 5K For Every Newborn Girl Child

If a female baby is born in Karimnagar, the Sarpanch will make a Rs 5116 deposit in the baby's name.
Karimnagar: Nustulapur Sarpanch Ravula Ramesh has announced that if anyone in the village gives birth to a daughter, he will make a fixed deposit of Rs 5,116 in the name of the baby. On Thursday, he organised a nutrition campaign. And a baby shower was also organised for pregnant women in the area.
Later, the sarpanch emphasised the importance of a girl child and talked about respecting women.
As soon as the birth is registered in the panchayat records, he will deposit Rs 5,116 in the bank in the name of the baby and hand over the relevant documents to the parents, he said. The programme will be launched at the Dussehra festival. The villagers applauded the Sarpanch’s decision. Thimmappur Medical Officer Indu, Upasarpanch Srinivas Reddy, MPTC Tirupati Reddy and Mandal Co-option member Tajoddin were also present at the event.