Bengaluru Crematoria Overburdened As COVID Deaths Mount

 - Sakshi Post

The second wave of coronavirus is creating a lot of problems for the entire world. The number of fatalities caused by COVID-19 has skyrocketed. The unprecedented spike in COVID-19 fatalities has left crematoria across Bengaluru overburdened.

It is said that the staff, who have been working at the crematoria cribbing about not being able to see their children and spouses for a month. 

They are saying that they have no choice but to risk their lives. They expressed grief as they were unable to give the victim a respectful goodbye. The dangerous virus has claimed the lives of many people.

As the number of coronavirus cases are increasing across the state, people are struggling to find hospital beds and some are complaining that they were unable to find ambulances as well.

BBMP officials said, "We are burning more bodies than the actual capacity of the furnaces. The furnaces are on for close to 24 hours. If they are damaged, we will be forced to send bodies to other crematoria burdening the staff there. While the furnaces are working beyond their capacity, so are the crematoria staff."

One of the employees who is working at the crematorium in Bangalore told an English daily, "We had rented a house a few kilometres away from the crematorium. Ever since the lockdown last year, the house owners feared they would contract the virus since we work here. We did not want to make anyone uncomfortable and decided to move into the crematorium until everything settles."

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