Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Society Plans National Level Conference on Prevention

TSCS appeals to the Govt. of Telangana to release a G.O for mandatory antenatal test - HbA2 for every pregnant woman to help preventing the birth of Thalassemia Major Children for the well-being of their family & Telangana State
Hyderabad: Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Society (TSCS) a registered non-profit organization has today announced to organise First-of-its-kind National Level Conference on Prevention of Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia on 30th April & 01st May 2022 at TSCS, Hyderabad. TSCS has taken an initiative of inviting all Thalassemia societies from across 23 states of India for the conference to discuss the strategic steps for the Prevention of Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia.
Shri Harish Rao, Hon’ble Health Minister - Government of Telangana will be the Chief Guest for the National Conference. There will be a participation of more than 200 delegates who would chalk out a road map on preventive measures on the genetic blood disorder - Thalassemia at the National conference. TSCS is also appealing to Shri Harish Rao, Hon’ble Health Minister - Government of Telangana to release a G.O for mandatory antenatal test - HbA2 for every pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy.
TSCS is World’s biggest society serving more than 3000 Thalassemia Children with modern equipment & specialist doctors, Free of Cost in Hyderabad. TSCS Free services includes Doctor Consultation, Free Laboratory investigations (CBP), Medicines, HLA test, HbA2 test of parents, siblings and extended family members, Blood transfusion and Free Bone Marrow Transplant with the help of Bajaj Electronics, Hyderabad,. With an aim to make “Thalassemia Free Telangana”, TSCS has recently opened its first branch in Khammam with well experienced medical staff to support Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia patients in the region and nearby districts. The staff at TSCS is working relentlessly realising the physical & mental pain of Thalassemia patients, as their own family members/friends are affected by Thalassemia.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr Chandrakant Agarwal, President, Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Society (TSCS) said that “It is truly an encouraging occasion for us to organise a National Level Conference on Prevention of Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Anemia for the first time in India and in Hyderabad. The need of the hour is to create further awareness among the masses on the importance for HbA2 test for everyone. TSCS would sincerely request Govt. of India to pass a Bill for making it mandatory for every couple in India to go for HbA2 test before pregnancy or first trimester of pregnancy. Let’s us all take a pledge of being responsible citizen to educate the people about genetic blood disorder - Thalassemia and eradicate this disorder and make India a Thalassemia Free country.
Dr. Suman Jain, Secretary & CEO – TSCS said “Bone Marrow Transplant the only ultimate Cure for Thalassemia and TSCS is working interminably for the extinction of Thalassemia for the past 24 years, it is only possible with the government’s support. About 4 percent of the population are Thalassemia carriers and around 10,000 children are born Thalassemia major in India.”
Ms. Ratnavali Kothapalli, Vice President, TSCS sharing her comments said “We are extremely honoured to be hosting such a conference at a national scale in Hyderabad. We at TSCS have an empathetic approach to those who are suffering from Thalassemia. Through this conference we want to share our experiences of working with Thalassemia children and also exchange knowledge with each other: the different approaches and contributions that each society has been making in their respective locations. Our mission is to educate, empower, emphasise and ensure that today’s generation is taking responsible decisions by taking HbA2 test. This will help our country become a Thalassemia free nation in the years to come”