Lifestyle Modifications Must to Prevent Lung Cancer

LungCancer - Sakshi Post

Smoking tobacco remains the principal cause of lung cancer in the Indian population, especially among men. Despite several awareness campaigns led by the government, the cases continue to rise.India has recorded more than 1 million cases of lung cancer in the past couple of years, and the rate is expected to grow by 7 times by 2025. The rising incidences and delayed diagnosis are very concerning. In 75% of the cases, cancer is detected between stage 3 and stage 4, which is when cancer has spread to other parts of the body as well, leading to poor treatment outcomes and high death rates.

According to Dr. Visweswaran, Consultant Yasodha Hospital, Hyderabad, "Lung cancer, although it affects people of all ages and genders, can be caused by other factors like passive smoking, radiation therapy, exposure to radioactive gases like radon, interaction with heavy metals like cadmium, and a family history of cancer. The treatment of the disease usually includes chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy."

The care plan varies and depends on the conditions of each patient. "Lung cancer can be largely prevented by incorporating some lifestyle changes, such as:

Quit smoking: Smoking, active or passive, inflames and irritates the lungs, increasing the risk of infections and diseases like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). If continued, it can destroy the lung tissue irrevocably.

Reduce exposure to air pollution: Particulate pollution is a risk factor for increasing lung cancer cases. Fine particles promote changes in the EGFR gene, which is linked to non-small-cell lung carcinoma- NSCLC (Lung cancer).

Maintain distance from harmful chemicals: Avoid any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that promotes carcinogenesis, the formation of cancer. Common examples of carcinogens are alcohol, engine exhaust, processed meat, tobacco, and UV rays.

Early Detection: Another important part of preventing lung cancer is detecting it early. After years of research, it has been recommended that people who are chronic smokers undergo a low-dose CT scan of the chest to screen for lung cancer. It can help identify lung cancer at an early stage, and thereby increase the chance of success with treatment.The early diagnosis of lung cancer is far more easy currently with the availability of advanced bronchoscopic interventions like EBUS systems guided biopsies," said Dr Visweswaran.

Lung cancer can lead to serious complications like shortness of breath, bleeding in the airways, severe bleeding, and pain, and even death. Proper treatment and early diagnosis are key factors to improve the chances of survival.

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