Double Whammy for Village Girl: Parents Throw Her Out, Lover Refuses To Marry

The girl is on a deeksha at Srinivas’ house at Mancharami  - Sakshi Post

Hyderabad: It was a double whammy for a girl from Mancharami village in Sultanabad mandal of Peddapalli district. Her parents threw her out as she fell in love with a man from a different caste and now, the man she loved, dumped her for another girl. Left with no option, the girl began a deeksha in front of the boy's house in the same village.

The girl said, she and Srinivas of the same village, but from a different caste, fell in love during their college days. They wanted to get married, but after she walked out on her parents for objecting to their marriage, he began evading her. Ten days ago, Srinivas went missing. The girl has alleged that Srinivas was lodged a secret place to prevent the inter-caste marriage. She said his parents were responsible for his going missing. Protesting against this, she staged a sit-in in front of the house of Srinivas. The girl said that she would continue to stage a sit-in till his parents give in and allow her to marry Srinivas.

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