Measures To Have A Safe And Happy Diwali

A Very Happy And A Safe Diwali - Sakshi Post

Diwali is the festival of lights, crackers, and happiness. It is the time we find every house, every corner lit with diyas or lamps. Everyone, regardless of their race, cast or religion are seen celebrating this festival. They burst crackers, enjoy sweets and spread happiness all around.

The sky gets illuminated with firecrackers during this festival. Bursting crackers is a ritual that has been observed during Diwali for a very long time now. However they can be dangerous, if they are are not handled properly. Therefore it is important to follow certain safety measures while bursting crackers to avoid serious incidents.

Here are few tips to be followed to ensure a safe and a happy Diwali:

1. Wear Cotton Clothes And Put On Your Shoes

Clothes made of silk, nylon and similar materials can catch fire easily. To avoid your clothes getting on fire, it is strictly advised to wear cotton clothes while bursting crackers. You must also ensure that you wear shoes in order to avoid any injury to your feet.

2. Fire Extinguisher, Bucket Of Sand And Water

As a safety measure always keep a fire extinguisher in close proximity of the place where you are bursting crackers. You can also keep buckets of water and sand handy.

3. Always Buy Branded Crackers

Avoid buying low quality crackers which can contain hazardous chemicals that can lead to serious health issues. Always buy crackers from licensed shops that are regulated by government agencies. Buy standard crackers for the safety of you and your family members.

4. Store Crackers In A Safe Place

Always store crackers in a place where they are far away from any sources of fire as they are highly combustible and a single spark can lead to an explosion. Use sealed containers made of hard plastic or wood to store crackers instead of storing them in boxes made of cardboard and polyethylene bags.

5. Burst Crackers In An Open Area

Avoid bursting crackers inside the houses. Bursting crackers in closed and heavily populated areas can be dangerous. Avoid busrting crackers near electrical equipments as it can cause a major mishap. Burn crackers in an open place and always put the position of the rockets towards sky.

6. Pet Safety

Celebrate a safe and happy Diwali with your furry friends too. As many of the pets find a difficult time with so much noise around. As a safety tip it is recommended that you keep your pets away from crackers, and wrap their ears in cloth as they have extra sensitive ears.

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