Jai Lava Kusa: Jr NTR Slams Film Critics

Hyderabad: Actor Junior NTR slammed film critics for negative ratings to his latest project - Jai Lava Kusa.
The film which got good openings and was well received by the audience was given a 'below average' rating by film reviewers. The actor did not mince words while commenting on the film reviewers who gave a negative rating to 'Jai Lava Kusa'. He compared the film to a patient in a critical condition and said that the relatives of the patient wait for the doctor's word who in this case are the audience. The film critics are the passersby who are not related to the patient nor the doctor but give their expert opinion before a film is released, the actor said. The audience need to give their opinion and their response so far was very good, he said and added that the reviewers do not understand the hard work and pain that goes into making a movie and releasing it.
The film critics are trying to mould the public opinion without giving the audience a chance to see the movie, Jr NTR said. "Let the audience give their opinion and we (the film unit) will accept their verdict without hesitation," he said while speaking at the film's success meet.