From Abhorred Criminal To A Social Being: One Of A Kind Story Of Satyam Babu’s Transformation

Satyam Babu receives his graduation certificate in Hyderabad on Monday. - Sakshi Post

Hyderabad: Reality, they say, is stranger than fiction. There are stories of comebacks. Comebacks of failures and losers, but rarely we see a most abhorred criminal not only being accepted by society, but rather being taken as an icon of withstanding cruelest of adversities in life.

Satyam Babu, who was victimized in sensational rape and murder case of Pharmacy student Ayesha Meera, came a long way - rather, an unimaginable way; and finally emerged a sophisticated social being.

After spending nine most precious years of his youth behind bars, the High Court acquitted him in March this year saying he was innocent.

Satyam received graduate certificate from Dr. BR Ambedkar Open University on Monday. The court said that Satyam Babu was falsely implicated in the case. Addressing the media persons, Satyam Babu narrated his ordeal since the time when he was picked up mistakenly by the police in connection with the case in August 2008.

One month after being acquitted by the High Court in the sensational Ayesha murder case, Pidatala Satyam Babu is yet to receive Rs1 lakh compensation as per the the High Court order.

The police threatened him of killing his mother and sister, Satyam Babu said, and alleged that he was subjected to third degree custodial torture when the case was under trial.

While urging the government to re-inquire into the case and bring the culprits to book, Satyam Babu said it is his wish to see satisfaction in Ayesha Meera's parents' eyes. "They always backed me as they clearly knew I was not the real culprit," he said.

“I was an illiterate when I entered the jail, but now I am a graduate,” he said with a pride in his eyes and wished to complete post-graduation and then a PhD on criminal politics. He profusely thanked Ayesha’s parents for standing with him throughout the case.

After loosing nice most valuable years of his life, District Collector A Babu came forward to help Satyam by offering him a contract job in a government department. The Collector also sanctioned him a pucca house to the victim in his native village of Anasagaram in Nandigama mandal, Krishna district.

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