‘Chicken Fight’ Injures Forest Officer

Fight over chicken left a forest officer injured in Ahobilam on Friday - Sakshi Post

Kurnool: Fight over chicken left a forest officer injured in Ahobilam on Friday.

According to the reports, three officers working in the forest department in Ahobilam used to party frequently with the money they collect from the staff. As usual on Friday the officers decided to have dinner together along with alcohol. Two of the officer's in the group went to bring alcohol and chicken separately. Later, due to shortage of alcohol, an officer called Madhaar went to a liquor shop to bring it while the other two finished the leftover chicken. On his return, he picked up a quarrel with the other two over the missing chicken and used abusive words.

Enraged over the issue, the other two officers attacked Madhaar and caned him with a stick. During the attack Madhaar fell unconscious and the officers fled from the place thinking that he died due to the injuries. Later, locals rushed the injured officer to a hospital.

A forest range officer said that he was yet to inquire into the incident and will comment only after that.

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