Bio-metric attendance for all CETs to check impersonation

Hyderabad: Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) is planning to introduce bio-metric attendance system for the candidates appearing for Common Entrance Tests (CETs) to curb copying and impersonation.
TSCHE held a meeting with the conveners of all CETs and Internet Service Providers (ISP) on Saturday in Hyderabad. The Council has come to a conclusion to adopt the bio-metric system in all CETs in future to put an end to irregularities in conducting the entrance exams like TSPSC did in its recent recruitment. The Council discussed about the collecting the data of candidates in digital format by using biometric system at the time application and to be used to verify the data at the time of appearing for the exams. Also the meeting discussed about the viability of all exams to be conducted in online format but was mulling to adopt the method keeping in view of computer knowledge of rural students.
Some of the officials in the meeting opined that it is better to go for online mode only after taking the feedback from candidates all over the state.
In this Council meeting TSCHE chairman Papireddy, EAMCET convener NV Ramana Rao, Co-Convener GK Vishwanath, PGECET convener Ramachandram, Ex- convener Venu Gopal Reddy including ISPs from TCSm, Magnetic, Iyuga etc. participated.
Meanwhile, CET Committee of EAMCET will meet on February 24 to finalise the fixtures of the exam. JNTU is going to conduct EAMCET for this year.