Congress slits throat of Hindu people for Muslims, alleges Giriraj Singh

 - Sakshi Post

Patna, April 27 (IANS) Upping the ante against the Congress over its "appeasement" politics, Union Minister and BJP's Begusarai candidate on Saturday said that the grand old party has slit the throats of Hindu people and snatched their rights for Muslims.

While interacting with media persons in Begusarai, Giriraj Singh said, "The fight in the INDI alliance is about who has the right on the Muslim vote bank. Congress has slit the throats of Hindu people. Its leaders have snatched the constitutional rights of Hindus."

"I want to ask Congress leaders what they want. Are they planning to start a civil war in the country? Do they want Other Backward Class (OBC) people to take to the streets and create a ruckus?" Singh said.

"When the issue of Karnataka was raised in the country, why did people like Lalu Prasad stay silent on it? Why Tejashwi Yadav is tightlipped on it? Congress should reveal why it has snatched the rights of OBC," he said in connection with reports of the Siddaramaiah government including Muslims in OBCs.

When asked about opposition leaders targeting BJP on the electoral bonds, he said, "Lalu Prasad first took donations from a liquor company and now they are trying to target BJP leaders over electoral bonds. I want to tell them that everything is clear and transparent here."

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