YSRCP Plenary To Be Held In Vijayawada On 8, 9 July

The YSRCP will hold its plenary at Vijayawada on July 8 and 9, leader of the opposition in the AP legislative council Umma Reddy Venkateswarlu announed on Friday.
The party would hold the organisational conclaves in a three-tier model. In the last week of May, assembly constituency level plenary meetings would be conducted across the state. IN the second phase, district level conclaves would be held. The district level meetings could be held on 19, 20 and 21 of July. The resolutions passed at the district pelnaries would be sent to the state unit. The party would take up various issues at these plenary meets. In the third phase, the state plenary would be held on 8 and 9 of July.