Woman Finds Rare Two-headed Snake In Her Front Yard
Texas: A woman in Central Texas who went out to see why her dog was barking, was shocked to find her pet chasing a two-headed rat snake in her front porch. The reptile was promptly handed over to the Waco’s Cameron Park Zoo in Texas.
The Zoo authorities who are to monitor the snake for 90 days before handing it over to Brazos River county Texas collection, claim that the snake is eating and is in good condition.
According to National Geographic news, Two-headed snakes rarely survive in the wild, because the two brains must operate as one. If one head smells prey on the other’s head, it will try to swallow the second head.
Deciding which way to move in case of a predator attack can also be problematic for the snake’s survival. Two-headed snakes have a better chance of survival in captivity.