What Jayalalithaa can do, cannot do...

What Jayalalithaa can do, cannot do... - Sakshi Post

Though the bail is being seen as a major relief to jailed AIADMK chief J Jayalalithaa, the conditions imposed on her are quite stringent.

The court was both stern and categorical in imposing the conditions.

Here is what Jayalalithaa can do and cannot do:

* Jayalalithaa should not cause any delay by seeking adjournment in the appeal in Karnataka High Court.

* Jayalalithaa should file paperbook of her appeal in the high court within two months, failing which she would not get an exension. Even one day delay is not allowed.

* Jayalalithaa would not return to Tamil Nadu as chief minister. The conviction has not been suspended, it has only been stayed, which means that she cannot become CM immediately.
* If there is violence in Tamil Nadu, Jaya's bail would be cancelled.

* She has to remain in her home. She cannot tour the state nor can she receive anyone till December 18.

* No one can criticise Subramanyam Swami, who filed the case against Jayalalithaa or the judges who delivered the judgement in Karnataka High Court.

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