What is our wrong? : Ponnam Prabhakar

What is our wrong? : Ponnam Prabhakar - Sakshi Post

“We did several movements to get the new state of Telangana,” said former Karimnagar MP Ponnam Prabhakar.

Speaking to reporters in Karimnagar on Sunday, he said, “People have elected the leaders of those parties which worked against the interests of Telangana. I am not able to understand why the people of Telangana have defeated us.”

Ponnam demanded TRS chief and Telangana chief minister designate K.Chandrasekhar Rao to fulfill all the election promises he made at the time of elections.

Several union ministers, who played a key role in the formation of Telangana state, were defeated in the elections. The list includes Jaipal Reddy, Sarve Satyanarayana and Balaram Nayak. Further, the Congress MPs from Telangana like Madhu Yashki  Goud, Ponnam Prabhakar and G.Vivek were also defeated in these elections.

Congress leaders campaigned well in Telangana with the slogan ‘We granted Telangana and We brought Telangana.” But, Telangana people gave their verdict infavour of TRS party only.

In the end, Congress leaders are lamenting they were defeated eventhough it is them who brought the new state of Telangana in real.

- Sakshipost

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