Twitter Reaction To Lady Johnnie Walker Logo

With just a week to go for International Women’ Day, the famous Johnnie Walker scotch bottles’ iconic striding man logo is taking new shapes in support of women’s rights. The lady Johnnie Walker logo celebrates progress in women's rights, according to Diageo, the world's largest spirits company,
Diageo is launching a limited edition Johnnie Walker Black Label Scotch in America. Called Jane Walker, the bottle will not feature Johnnie but a striding, top-hatted woman named Jane instead, the company said on Monday.
Introducing Jane Walker, our new icon that celebrates progress in Women’s Rights. With every step, we all move forward. — Johnnie Walker (@JohnnieWalkerUS) February 26, 2018
The introduction of Jane Walker is part of the Diageo's bid to attract more women drinkers and celebrate women. The announcement comes just a week before International Women's Day on March 8.
Reactions poured in following the announcement, many tweets criticized the liquor company for patronizing women. Here are some of them:
What initiatives do you have that actually ‘celebrate progress in Women’s Rights’? Made any donations or actually help promote Women’s rights? Maybe change work policies internally? Change pay for women to equal that of the men? — infy101 (@infiltron) February 27, 2018 For the first time ever, I wish I actually liked Johnnie Walker whiskey, just so that I could boycott you. — ⚡Julie Chaston⚡ (@JulieChaston) February 28, 2018 “Scotch as a category is seen as particularly intimidating by women...” Seriously? Clearly you haven’t met my Scotch circle of girl friends yet! — Laura Sayers (@Ladyisatraveler) February 28, 2018 Marketing alcoholism to women is not progress. — jimmydeanstonecold (@jmydeanstoncld) February 27, 2018 As a devoted JWB drinker... why? — Mark Montgomery (@axiom_8) February 28, 2018 What a shame... Johnny Walker Scotch is now a transsexual... — Battle Of NewOrleans (@BattleofNola) February 26, 2018
This is ridiculous - your marketing dept (and management!) have COMPLETELY missed the point.
The bottle will be available for sale this month. Triggering memories of PepsiCo's "lady Doritos" for some people, the above statement as well as the new logo itself evoked strong reactions on social media.