Trump Remarks On National Security Sends Wrong Message: Clinton

Trump Remarks On National Security Sends Wrong Message: Clinton - Sakshi Post

Washington: Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that it just absolutely bewilders her when Donald Trump talks about national security as she assured to conduct a national security and foreign policy that America can be proud of.

Hillary Clinton said at an election rally in Pennsylvania.

It just absolutely bewilders me when I hear Donald Trump trying to talk about national security. It’s not just as Joe Biden said, it’s not just he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, that’s bad enough. But what he often says hurts us. It sends the wrong message to friend and foe alike in the world

“We are living in a complex world. One where we need steadiness, where we’ve got to have a real sense of how we’re going to get where we want to go, to help as many people, to keep our country safe. But to do it with the kind of bigness, the kind of confidence that really marks America at our best”, she said.

“Sometimes when I hear Trump talking about how we should all be so afraid all the time. And then I find a few minutes to watch the Olympics, I think my goodness, you know, when you go out and compete, not everybody can win but you got to do your best”, Clinton said.

If elected, Clinton said her administration would have a National Security and Foreign Policy that America can be proud of.


We are going to lead the world in accordance with our value, in pursuance of our interests and furtherance of our security along with our friends and allies, she said. I was thinking the other day, when Donald Trump speaks, he speaks about fear, he speaks about such negativity and such pessimism. And then I watched the Olympics and it’s exactly the opposite

You have young people going out, doing their best every day to get prepared to compete, and that’s what we’re going to do in America, she added. Trump talking about economic policies, she said, surprises her. Because actually he would give trillions of dollars in more tax breaks to the wealthy, she alleged. He wants a new tax loophole that we call the Trump loophole that would actually help him and everybody else who is really wealthy to cut their tax rate in half on a lot of their income.

He wants to eliminate the estate tax which does nothing for 99.8 per cent of all Americans but you know if Trump is as wealthy as he claims to be, it would save his family USD 4 billion, Clinton said.


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