Trump declares himself the ‘law and order candidate’

Washington: The presumptive Republican candidate for the
White House, Donald Trump, described himself on Monday as “the law and
order candidate” compared with a “weak” Hillary Clinton.
“I am
the law and order candidate,” she is “weak, ineffective,
pandering,” and referring to her handling of classified e-mails on a
private server, she is “either a liar or grossly incompetent, One or the
other, Very simple. Personally, it’s probably both,” Trump said at a
campaign event dealing with veterans’ issues in Virginia Beach.
also the candidate of compassion - believe it,” Trump added. “But you
can’t have true compassion without providing safety. Without safety, we have
nothing,” he said.
Trump used
the presentation of his proposals for improving conditions for veterans to also
come out in defence of the “men and women in blue”, the cops
“who stand each day to protect us”, but who, instead of receiving
plenty of thanks, get incessant criticism.
He did say,
however, that the whole nation mourns the five police officers who were killed
in the attack in Dallas last Thursday, calling it an attack on the whole
Trump also
had a few words about the death of two African American men at the hands of
white cops last week, incidents that sparked protests across the nation.
senseless, tragic deaths of two motorists in Louisiana and Minnesota reminds us
how much more needs to be done” so that Americans feel their security is
protected. He said everyone is upset by the cell phone images of the two men
slain by policemen, and slammed the nation’s “epidemic of violence”.
Trump went on
to present his plan to provide a better life for America’s “heroes”,
the war veterans.
“The VA
scandals that have occurred on this administration’s watch are widespread and
inexcusable. Fixing this corruption will be one of my highest priorities - and
it will happen. It will be fixed,” he said.
Among Trump’s
promises was that all veterans will have access to the best quality healthcare,
paid for by the government.