Trigger-happy kids?

We are all aware of the addiction children have for games, including ones with all kinds of sophisticated weapons. Quite unwittingly and unknowingly children get drawn to guns and a host of other deadly weapons, especially with a range of video and computer games they have access to.
Do parents know the extent to which their children are addicted to such games? According to one survey, when parents are not at home, at least 75 per cent children in the metros play violent video games, which have, in turn led to increased aggression and violent behavior.
Often, children fail to distinguish between a real gun and a toy. They tend to pose with toy guns and take this one step further and get seriously hooked to video and computer games.
A recent incident, in which a commandant’s minor son was caught on camera trying his hand at a pistol at a firing range in Visakhapatnam, caused a stir among the police officials and the public alike. A ten-year-old boy tried to press the trigger, while another aimed the weapon at the crowd. One of them was seen turning the gun upside down and hitting it on the ground.
In yet another incident, neglecting the safety of the children as well as that of the onlookers, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) vigilance officials allowed their kids to play with their guns during the Independence Day celebrations at the TTD administrative building.
The sight of their children posing and playing with licensed guns seemed to make them proud. It was only after they were caught by the Sakshi TV cameras, did they realize the gravity of the act and took their weapons back from the children. First it was Vizag and now it is Tirupati.
Hope our police officials and others, as also people in general learn to keep their kids away from guns before some accident happens. We can ill-afford such apathy. Make sure you keep your child away from guns and meanwhile, keep an eye on that computer monitor.