Threat to Kancha Ilaiah?

Threat to Kancha Ilaiah? - Sakshi Post


Hyderabad: At a book release function of noted writer and social activist Kancha Ilaiah, CPM Telangana state secretary Tammineni Veerabhadram said that the nation is under threat of communal politics which is leading for rising intolerance in the country. He said  that radical writers are being killed and Kancha Ilaiah could be the next Kalburgi. He is one of the very few who are questioning the feudal politicians and communal politics with his fearless attitude. We all should protect him, he said.

The on-going attacks on writers and the murder of scholar MM Kalburgi in Karnataka have created panic among creative artists, authors and intellectuals nowadays. Eminent personalities from various creative fields have expressed their ire over growing intolerance by returning their awards. 

Social activist Vimalakka also said that Kancha Ilaiah  is one such person who never hesitates to question feudal politics and is know for his straight talk, and this can pose threat to him for the communcal forces who can harm.

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