The birth of the girl child?

The girl child - the seminal point of creation. She lays the progressive way to the future. However in the sum of + and – played in the minds of men she always faces discrimination.
There is a decrease in the birth of girls in our state.
In the whole of South the number of girls being born is less in A.P.
• These are the statistics revealed by the Central Child Welfare dept.
• There are only 943 girls for every 1000 boys….There has been a notable decrease in the last ten years.
• The birth of girls has come down greatly in Warangal during the last ten years.
• All the four districts in Telengana recorded a noticeable downtrend.
• This the same situation in Rayalaseema . it is a little better in coastal Districts.
• Gender tests , aborting the female foetus, discriminating against the girl child, and lack of nutritious food are the reasons.
She should live and play freely in the light of the moon yet her life is snuffed out in the womb itself. The report released by the Central women and child welfare dept shows how much we neglect her.
Last Thursday there was a conference of all the southern states on the proportion of the population of girls and boys. According to the details submitted the population of girls is getting less and less all over the country According to their calculations there are only 914 girls for every thousand boys.
In 2001 the number was 927 but in our state the number was 943. However our state occupies number one slot in the decrease of the population of the girls. In the past ten years there has been a decrease of 18 points( In 2001 there were 961 ).
This discrimination against the girls is more prevalent in villages than in the cities Culturally there is a misconception that it is plus point in life if it is a boy and minus point if it is a girl.
The technology to determine the gender of the foetus has spread even to remote villages so there are more foeticides, and lack of nutrition for girls has also added to this situation In the last ten years the population of girls has decreased in ten districts in our state In Telengana four districts showed a remarkable decrease in the number of girls born.
In the Rayalaseema districts the proportion of the girls to boys is less in all the districts The district which recorded the least number of girls born is Warangal .In this district in 2001 for every thousand boys there were955 girls but in 2011there were only 912.
The coastal districts have shown a better record . Among the nine districts there are only two districts that showed a downtrend .In Vijayanagar district about 25 girls were less in number ( compared to 2001 ) and in Prakasam districyt about 25 were less In Rayalaseema in the YSR District there was a decrease of 32 points.
In the two Godavari districts , Visakapatnam, and Khammam the proportion of boys and girls has hopefully gone up according to the statistics. In 2011 according to population census the number of children below 6years was 86,42,686 among them boys are 44,48,330 in number and girls are 41,94,356. In the south there are 959 girls for every thousand boys in Pondicherry which is a higher record compared to other states .
In Kerala the proportion is 959 for every thousand boys. The statistics say that there ten states which show a higher proportion of girls than our state The highest number is in Mizoram where there are 971 girls and the lowest is in Haryana with only 830.
The following are reasons :
1. Mobile ultra sound clinics which determine the gender of the foetus have spread to the remote villages.
2. There is a cultural misconception that if it is a boy he will bring income where as if it a girl it will mean only expenditure.
3. Child marriages , deaths during delivery , ill health , and unwillingness to spend on medical treatment for the girls.
4. According to statistics there 7.5 crores of children suffering from malnutrition and among them 75% are girls.
Some important issues among statistics :
• The states which showed the proportion of boys and girls as more than 1000:950. were 18 in 2001 but it came down to 9 in 2011 Those states which recorded less than 915 were 9 in 2001 but now they have gone up to 14.
• The number of girls have gone down in most of the states in the country
• If one were to observe the statistics there were 976 girls for every thousand boys in 1961 but by 2011 that number has come down to 914.
• In Lahulspity district in Himachal Pradesh there are 1013 girls for 1000 boys .in Basthar, Danthewada district in Chattisghad and in Tawang district in Arunachal Pradesh the number of girls is 1005.
• Proportionately the least number of girls are in the three districts of Haryana. They are Jhujjur (774) , Mahendraghad (778) and Rewari (784).
• In Yanam where there are many Telugu people living the population of girls has come down. In 2001 there were 964 girls for every 1000 boys but now that number has come down to 917 .It is in the smaller states that the number of girls is more.