Snake Bite Kills Snake Lover Srinu In Sangareddy

Srinivas never recoiled in fear at the sight of a snake like normal mortals do - Sakshi Post

Patancheru: Srinivas never recoiled in fear at the sight of a snake like normal mortals do. In fact, he looked forward to them. His heart lied in catching snakes, whilst doing odd jobs to earn a living. Never had he felt his love for snakes would turn fatal.

On Thursday Srinivas received a call from Mominpet village in Vikarabad district informing him that a snake had entered a house and its inhabitants were panic-stricken. As soon as he rushed to the spot, he searched for the snake in the hiding and held it with his hand like he always did. But in the process, he was bitten twice by the snake. He did not deter as he safely transferred it into a box before leaving it into the wilderness. He was then rushed to a hospital in Sadasivapet where he died undergoing treatment.

Srinivas worked at MRF tyres manufacturing unit in Patancheru. He was a well-known face in the locality and was associated with Friends of Snake group, whose members catch snakes and leave them in secluded places without hitting or killing them. His parents objected to his hobby several times, but he continued doing what he liked. A pall of gloom descended on Patancheru as locals are fond of Srinivas' dare delivery with snakes.

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