Telangana Cop Babysits While Mother Writes Constable Exam
A candidate appearing for the Telangana constable examination held on Sunday was faced with a peculiar problem. The young mother needed a babysitter while she wrote the exam. The woman from Mahbubnagar came to the examination centre with a four month old baby. However, rules do not permit anyone other than the candidate in question into the examination hall. While she was accompanied to the Centre by her relatives, she went into the hall entrusting her child to one of them. However, the child started bawling the moment its mother left and could not be pacified by the relatives. At this point a head constable on duty at the examination centre, Mujeeb-ur-Rehman (Moosapet PS), offered to help and began consoling the baby who fell silent. This picture shared by SP Mahbubnagar Rema Rajeshwari has gone viral.
Have a look at the picture and her tweet...
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