Forms and documents needed for T Survey

Forms and documents needed for T Survey - Sakshi Post

Telangana state government has uploaded the forms in its website which are used at the time of survey on August 19.

Three forms are posted in the official site. Of them, one is used for rural area and another is used for the citizens living in GHMC. The third is just the English format for the GHMC citizens.

You can download the forms here

1. Rural areas

2. GHMC citizens (Telugu)

3. GHMC citizens (English)

These forms are to be submitted to the enumerator.

The documents to be produced to enumerator on the survey day are:
1. Water Bill
2. LPG connection card
3. Paid Property Tax Receipt
4. Electricity Bill
5. Post office and Bank account pass book
6.Aadhar Card
7. Caste certificate
8. Birth certificate
9. Physically handicapped certificate
10. Vehicle Registration Certificate
11. Land pass book
12. Ration Card
13. Voter Card
14. Mobile Phone Bill
15. PAN Card
16. House Document copy
17. Housing scheme allotment order
18. Pension pass book copy

The government announced help line number to clarify the doubts of people.

The Help Desk Number is 040 - 21 11 11 11.


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