Teddy Day: 5 Cute Teddies To Gift Her In Valentines Week

Four days to go for Valentine's Day but the celebrations have already started. It all began with Rose day, followed by propose day and chocolate day. This week is very special for couples in love to impress their Valentine in a unique way. Based on his/her choice, each day of the valentine will help you choose the right gift.
Also read: Happy Teddy Day: Valentines Week
We have to say that today is a special day for girls. Wonder why? Well, today is Teddy day and almost every girl loves to have a soft toy by her pillow or on her desk. So today is the perfect occasion to gift them a teddy.
This thoughtful gift will sure leave her impressed. Here are some tips to choose the right teddy for your girl...
1. The Bear hug
Hugging of two bears shows your love for your valentine. A warm hug always means love and care.
2. Kissing Bear
This is called kiss and make up after a fight. So if your girl is angry with you, choose this one.
3. Bear Bouquet
A bunch of small teddies is always the best gift for your girl since the the basket reflects a bundle of joy.
4. Jumbo Bear
Most of the girls go crazy over big bears so they can feel their guy's presence with it and the fluffy one will make their day as they can play and sleep with it. I have one on my bed too!
5. Love Bear
If you want to express your love, then you can go for this. The bear with the three magical words on it will always convey what's in your heart.
So, what are you waiting for? Choose the right teddy this Valentine and make sure she gets the message.