How To Read Deleted Messages On WhatsApp: Install This App

How To Read Deleted Messages On WhatsApp: Install This App - Sakshi Post

Hyderabad: WhatsApp has become an integral part of communication system for everyone, whether its informal or for those at office.

Sending messages to people living thousands of miles away and talking to them was never easier before WhatsApp came into our lives.

WhatsApp had introduced the Delete option for messages where you could delete for everyone in a group.

Those who manage to read the message are lucky, but for those who are curious to know what was deleted, check out this option on HOW TO READ DELETED MESSAGES ON WHATSAPP.

What you need to know is that "All deleted messages are stored in the notification system of the Android system."

If you want to read them again, you will need to install the app called ‘Notisave’ from Google Play Store.

Go through the installation process and ALLOW the app to read the messages received in WhatsApp. You have to let the app access photos and media.

After this, notifications permissions should be set to allow for WhatsApp notifications. With this app you can read the deleted message.

But there is a hitch..

-With this you can not only read WhatsApp messages but you can also read all notifications from hangouts, SMS, and other notifications coming to your Android phone. This could be a bit cumbersome as it takes up memory

-You cannot recapture messages after 100 characters.

-This trick is just for Android devices and not for iOS phone.

-This only works for text messages, of course, so any WhatsApp photos saved by other means won’t be there.

Also Read: WhatsApp To Soon be Your New Bank

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