TDP muzzles Oppn voice, gets finance bill passed

TDP muzzles Oppn voice, gets finance bill passed - Sakshi Post

The ruling TDP muzzled the voice of the Opposition and passed the AP finance bill by voice vote. Immediately after this, the assembly was adjourned sine die.

Earlier, there were uproarious scenes in the AP Assembly on the last day of the current session. The TDP tried to introduce the resolution on the BCs without placing iton the agenda of the house. When, leader of oppositon YS Jagan Mohan Reddy objected to this, the ruling party MLA tried to prevent his speech.

Jagan countered them by asking why they were trying to skirt discussion on the issue.

Though minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu tried to quote rules to justify the government action, Jagan countered him by quoting rules and put the government in a spot. At one stage Jagan termed the house as 'Kaurava Sabha' (the house of Kauravas) and said the minister was suffering from inferiority complex.

He queried as to why he was being denied an opportunity to speak.

Again the opposition tried to disrupt him. At this stage speaker ojected to the opposition not to impute motives to his actions.

Then he hurriedly announced that the bill was passed by voice vote and immediately adjourned the house.

- Sakshipost

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