Talwar Couple Walk Out Of Prison By Evening 

Talwars - Rajesh and Nupur walk out of the prison - Sakshi Post

Dentist couple Rajesh and Nupur Talwar, acquitted last week of the charges of murdering their 14-year-old daughter Aarushi and domestic servant Hemraj, walked free from the Dasna prison in Ghaziabad on Monday evening.

The certified 275-page copy of the Allahabad High Court has reached the prison authoritiesd. The couple furnished a personal bail bond of Rs 1 lakh each and two people stood guarantee for them. Manish Sisodia, lawyer for the Talwars, said his clients were released by 6 pm.

Nupur Talwar’s parents waiting for the Talwars
Rajesh and Nupur Talwar outside the prison

They were in the jail for the last four years after a CBI Special Court held them guilty of murdering their daughter and destroying the evidence. Family sources say the couple's relatives including Rajesh Talwar's brother Dinesh and the Chitnis family (Nupur Talwar's parents) received the couple at the jail gate. Police made arrangements to handle the media.

Their lawyers have written to the police in Ghaziabad seeking police protection to them after their release. They have cited an earlier attack on Rajesh Talwar at the Ghaziabad court premises with a knife.

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