Stubble burning

 - Sakshi Post
Sep 22, 2023
New Delhi, Sep 21 (IANS) The Arvind Kejriwal government is gearing up to keep winter pollution in check in Delhi and has started preparations for free spraying of bio-decomposer in farms to prevent...
 - Sakshi Post
Oct 20, 2022
New Delhi: The Supreme Court has refused to lift the ban on firecrackers and turned down a plea filed by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, Manoj Tiwari challenging the blanket ban on firecrackers...
Stubble Burning - Sakshi Post
Dec 18, 2017
Happy Seeder is a proven zero-tillage solution -- seeds can be planted directly into stubble without the need for land clearing or tilling -- eliminating the need to burn crop residues,
The magnitude of straw burning has increased since it cuts just the spike of paddy plants, leaving stems intact. - Sakshi Post
Dec 16, 2017
In the past few years, farmers have become accustomed to using Rotavators -- soil tilling machine -- before sowing seeds
Delhi has been suffering from extensive straw stubble burning by farmers in Haryana and Punjab - Sakshi Post
Nov 17, 2017
Notification in this regard is likely to be issued soon. Although, the rule would apply across the country
Delhi is suffering from “smog situations”due to combined meteorological factors and stubble burning - Sakshi Post
Nov 07, 2017
Delhi is suffering from “smog situations”due to combined meteorological factors and stubble burning
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