Sadiq Khan

London backed remaining in the EU in the June 2016 referendum that went in favour of leaving. - Sakshi Post
Sep 17, 2018
May has repeatedly ruled out a second referendum. She says members of parliament will get to vote on whether to accept any final deal.
Sadiq Khan, Sajid Javid - Sakshi Post
Jun 18, 2018
The three column, six inch-deep headline on page 1 of the Daily Telegraph caught my eye: “Doors open to thousands more skilled migrants.”
to a petition filed on Parliament website demanding for a ‘referendum return’ and further asking London Mayor Sadiq Khan to declare the city as
independent and join the EU.   - Sakshi Post
Jun 25, 2016
Post-Brexit poll: Thousands via tweets, e-mails outcry ‘Wouldn’t you prefer to be President Sadiq?  
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