Pervez Musharraf

Pervez Musharraf - Sakshi Post
Apr 28, 2019
Pervez Musharraf, who is facing a high-profile treason case for suspending the Constitution, is unlikely to return to the country
Pakistan’s former military ruler and dictator Pervez Musharraf - Sakshi Post
Jun 22, 2018
Musharraf Resigns As APML Chief After Barred From Contesting Election
Pervez Musharraf was indicted in March 2014, on treason charges. (File) - Sakshi Post
Jun 08, 2018
The court in March ordered the federal government to suspend his Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC) and passport.
Pervez Musharraf - Sakshi Post
Jun 01, 2018
After the suspension of his CNIC and passport, Musharraf’s bank accounts would be frozen and his international travelling restricted.
Musharraf Postpones Plan To Return To Pakistan - Sakshi Post
Apr 08, 2018
Musharraf Postpones Plan To Return To Pakistan
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