Iran nuclear deal

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
Jun 10, 2018
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani today slammed the Trump administration for unilaterally dumping the Iran nuclear deal while complimented China, Russia and Europe for trying to protect it

Angela Merkel
May 19, 2018
Angela Merkel has told Russian President Vladimir Putin that the Middle East situation had been complicated by the US’ withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
May 16, 2018
Zarif is in Brussels on the final leg of a diplomatic tour to save the 2015 nuclear deal after the recent US withdrawal from the pact

Barack Obama
May 09, 2018
The former President said that the decision to pull the US out of the nuclear deal, signed with Iran, Russia, China, France the United Kingdom and Germany, was misguided

May 09, 2018
The Iranian nuclear deal was a signature foreign policy accomplishment of the Obama administration

May 07, 2018
Rising oil prices just passed another milestone, jumping above $70 per barrel on Monday for the first time since November 2014.

Jan 23, 2018
US will send diplomats to Europe to discuss the Iran nuclear deal with their European counterparts