Indian Institute of Science

Representative image - Sakshi Post
Feb 09, 2023
Bengaluru: The presence of high radon content (radon is a rare radioactive gas) in groundwater used for drinking has sent shockwaves among the residents of Bengaluru.
Salmonella is increasingly becoming a notorious pathogen - Sakshi Post
Jan 11, 2019
Miliolite Limestone is a rock which is typically formed under shallow, warm, agitated waters of tropical sea shores and oysters are salt-water molluscs
IISc Blast Victims’s Widow Gets Rs 10 lakhs - Sakshi Post
Dec 08, 2018
The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) paid Rs 10 lakh compensation to Anusha, widow of researcher P. Manoj Kumar who died on Wednesday when a hydrogen cylinder exploded
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