Donald Trump Jr

Donald Trump Jr.’s exchanges with WikiLeaks  - Sakshi Post
Nov 14, 2017
Donald Trump Jr., the US President’s eldest son, has released exchanges he had with the WikiLeaks Twitter account via direct messages during the 2016 elections
The stunning disclosure raised questions over whether campaign laws were broken and why senior Trump associates failed to report a hostile act by a foreign power. - Sakshi Post
Jul 12, 2017
Donald Trump Jr Posts Emails From Russia Offering Incriminating Material On Clinton 
Former FBI director James Comey and President Donald Trump - Sakshi Post
Jun 10, 2017
Trump Jr has certainly been willing to go on the attack for his father before.
Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. - Sakshi Post
Apr 15, 2017
The international hotel and car rental costs for the Secret Service agents who protect him and his brother Donald Trump Jr. have topped $190,000 since January 1.
Donald Trump officially declared Republican presidential nominee - Sakshi Post
Jul 20, 2016
Donald Trump declared the official candidate for Republican presidential nominee
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