Dalit girl

 - Sakshi Post
Aug 22, 2023
Hyderabad, Aug 22 (IANS) A 16-year-old girl was gang-raped by three men at her house here, sources said on Tuesday.
 - Sakshi Post
Aug 31, 2022
Bengaluru: Claiming inaction against the rape accused Lingayat seer Murugha Shivamurthy Sharanaru of Murugha mutt in Karnataka’s Chitradurga, Dalit and student organizations and others have given a...
 - Sakshi Post
Oct 09, 2020
In a curious twist to the high profile Hathras case, prime accused Sandip Thakur, who is alleged to have raped and killed the Dalit girl, wrote a letter to the Hathras SP claiming complete innocence...
Representational Image  - Sakshi Post
Feb 23, 2018
A young Dalit girl was burnt alive in an Uttar Pradesh village in Unnao district late last night, police said. 
Following the incident, Prajapati was arrested and the girl sent for a medical examination - Sakshi Post
Jan 03, 2017
14-yr-old Dalit girl raped by neighbour
Shiv Sena leader puts pressure on gang-rape victim’s family to withdraw the case - Sakshi Post
Jul 06, 2016
Shiv Sena put makes rape victim’s family pressurize 
Gangrape case: 2 policemen suspended for dereliction of duty - Sakshi Post
Mar 02, 2016
Gangrape case: 2 policemen suspended for dereliction of duty
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