Book review

ok Review: Engineered In India: From Dreams to billion dollar Cyient  - Sakshi Post
Nov 09, 2022
When I first picked the book "Engineered in India: From dreams to billion-dollar CYIENT" authored by  B.V.R.
Representational Image - Sakshi Post
Dec 20, 2017
There could scarcely be any Indian historical/myhtological character presenting more delicacy in artistic depiction as Queen Padmavati of Chittor,
Kartikeya’s origin and even appearance have variant accounts, his achievements eclipsed by his younger sibling - Sakshi Post
Dec 07, 2017
Kartikeya’s origin and even appearance have variant accounts, his achievements eclipsed by his younger sibling, and his following not as universal
Benjamin Myers ‘Ben’ Fogle - Sakshi Post
Nov 14, 2017
Book Review:English: A Story of Marmite, Queuing and Weather
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