Air quality

 - Sakshi Post
Nov 15, 2024
Kolkata, Nov 15 (IANS) Air quality in Kolkata has started dipping with a drop in temperature as AQI levels ranged between 204 and 290 since Thursday.
 - Sakshi Post
Sep 23, 2021
The World Health Organization has released new guidelines for air quality. The annual particulate matter 2.5 microns in thickness (PM2.5) was also updated. This updation comes 15 years after the...
 - Sakshi Post
Jul 13, 2021
There was a lockdown or curfew for many days in Telangana, but even with that, the air quality has not changed. There is Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the city’s air.
Representational Image - Sakshi Post

Representational Image

Nov 23, 2019
According to Safar India, the overall Delhi AQI is in the higher end of the very poor category and in some locations are in a higher category but now, will start to show signs of improvement.
air quality is categorised as ‘severe’, when pollution level hits 401 or above, in the Air Quality Index (AQI).(Representational Image) - Sakshi Post

air quality is categorised as ‘severe’, when pollution level hits 401 or above, in the Air Quality Index (AQI).(Representational Image)

Nov 12, 2017
The air quality is categorised as ‘severe’, when pollution level hits 401 or above, in the Air Quality Index (AQI).
The air quality in the state capital is worst in Lalbagh where the average AQI is 463, which was very close to that in Noida in the last 24-hours - Sakshi Post

The air quality in the state capital is worst in Lalbagh where the average AQI is 463, which was very close to that in Noida in the last 24-hours

Nov 09, 2017
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has issued a health warning for children, senior citizens and people with respiratory issues
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