000 notes

The notes also had numerous glaring discrepancies including the words “Churan lable”, a “PK” logo and “000000” serial number - Sakshi Post
Feb 22, 2017
Culprits behind fake Rs 2,000 notes from SBI ATM identified: Police
The deadline to deposit demonetised currency notes ends at midnight of December 30. - Sakshi Post
Dec 30, 2016
While some people are hoping for an extension in the deadline, the government maintained it had no plans to do so. 
“I have been told that 25-30 crore notes are being printed on a daily basis. Continuing with the withdrawal cap is not necessary from January 1,” Gangwar told CNBC TV18 in an interview on Thursday - Sakshi Post
Dec 29, 2016
Cash Withdrawal Cap may not be Necessary from Jan 1: Gangwar
Nov 23, 2016
Rs 2,000 notes recovered from terrorists killed in Kashmir
Nov 17, 2016
New Rs 1,000 notes not in the near future
The Court refused to accept the petitioner’s logic that the Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes could be deposited in banks till December 30. - Sakshi Post
Nov 15, 2016
The man said that an appeal would be filed before the Calcutta High Court later this week challenging the family court’s order.
Earlier, Gandhi tweeted “Modi laughs as poor cry”, referring to the Prime Minister’s speech in Japan, a clipping of which he posted - Sakshi Post
Nov 13, 2016
First laughter, now tears: Rahul sums up Modi’s speeches
Government will re-introduce Rs 1,000 banknotes in a few months. - Sakshi Post
Nov 10, 2016
The Reserve Bank will come out with new series of Rs 1,000 with new design and added security features.
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